Toyota Systems' Challenges and Approaches
- Protect against threats such as information leakage and cyber-attacks
- We recognize this as an important issue in our business, and are trying on a daily basis to strengthen information security.
- We thoroughly conduct uniform quality control for our products
- As a member of the Toyota Group, we are implementing total quality management (TQM).
- We raise awareness of corporate compliance and ensure its implementation.
- We use e-learning to disseminate information on laws and social rules, and have established systems to ensure compliance by the ways such as internal report systems.
Major Initiatives
Work style innovation
In order to enhance employee job satisfaction, each division of the company promotes on-time company leaving, based on a frequency and day of the week which are determined by each division.
We aim to maintain a work-life balance for employees and improve working efficiency through the implementation of on-time company leaving. We also conducted a morning-style work recommendation campaign to provide breakfast to employees who came to the company by 8:0 a.m.
As a result, we have been able to avoid congestion in commuting by early morning commuting, increase efficiency by operating quiet offices, and reduce overtime late at night. This has been recognized as the idea of effectively using limited time and achieving results. In addition, we revised the system and improved the environment for IT tools so that employees can work at home.
Going forward, we will continue to respond to the diversification of lifestyles and work styles by quickly following changes in social conditions.
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
We are challenging to improve compliance in order to respect various laws and regulations, conduct sound organizational management and corporate activities. We adopt e-Learning courses on information security, protection of personal information, and measures to prevent unfair activities. We also regularly disseminate information on compliance, and systematically learn through workshops inviting experts to enhance the knowledge of each employee. In this way, we also foster employees' mind for compliance. We have also established consultation desks both inside and outside the company for work problems (such as sexual harassment and power harassment), and have established a system that enables employees to report, consult, and we respond quickly in the case that a problem arises.
We believe that thoroughly implementing these initiatives and earning the trust of society and stakeholders will lead to an increase in corporate value.