What is SDGs?
What is SDGs ("Sustainable Development Goals") ?
SDGs is an abbreviation for "Sustainable Development Goals", and is a universal call to the international society, as adopted by global leaders at the United Nations Member Summit in September of 2015.
SDGs is consisting of 17 goals and 169 targets, through the pledge that "no one is left behind (Leave No One Behind)" on the planet.
Toyota Systems' Philosophy to Contributing to SDGs
Based on theToyota's Main Principles, Toyota Systems is advancing SDGs initiatives as a global company.
In addition, we understand that it is necessary not only for the government and companies, but also for each and every employee, to reach to the goals and targets. Since there are many contents that can be achieved in everyday life, we are thinking of contributing in a manner that many people are involved, including Toyota Systems.
Specifically, we will focus on the 3 themes of "Products and Services," "Cutting-Edge Technologies," and "Diversity," with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.
Products and Services
We consider responsibilities and roles on a global scale as a product company, and continuously improve productivity and quality.
Cutting-Edge Technologies
We provide technologies that are convenient and secure for people as an IT company.
We, as a global company, develop to create a society free from disparities that respects each other.